* Tablets including iPad + Kindle
* Laptops + Desktops: Microsoft suite and Apple (including MAC software)
* Social Media: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, and YouTube
* Online Dating Sites
* Podcasting/Audio/Video recording
* Video Conferencing: Skype, ZOOM, Google Hangout, FaceTime
* Website Blogs such as Squarespace, WordPress, Shopify, HubSpot COS, etc.
* Digital Fluency: Creating your footprint online, online accessibility, online shopping, etc.
* Online Music Streaming such as Pandora + Spotify
What can be covered in these sessions?
Anything from software questions (basic computer skills, Internet browsing, Facebook, Word, Google, Pinterest, personal website) to mobile devices (iPads, tablets, smart phones) are fair game for discussion. This is the chance to receive personal training (at the individuals learning pace) to get better acquainted with technology.
Tech Connect Training Package
- Full day of group and 1-on-1 training sessions for people interested in empowering their community with tech training services.
- 6-12 attendees preferred
- 6 hours of hands on tech training support which includes:
- 60 minute group session
- Personalized 1-1 45 minute training sessions
Individual Tech Therapy Session
Personalized 1-on-1 tech training offered in person or virtually.
3 Session minimum required
90 personalized tech training session
Sessions can be divided into six 45 minute sessions
Tech Connect Package for Seniors
- Want to know more about how to use your phone, tablet, or computer?
- The Tech Connect Package is a tech training service that is offered to senior living community residents and senior living industry professionals/organizations.
- It is an opportunity for tech learners to attend an Instructor-Led group training session and personalized 1-on-1 tech training to cover topics of their choice.
- Tech Connect Mini Group Sessions
- Starting at $49/attendee
- 8 person minimum/20 person maximum
- 2 hours of hands on tech training support which includes:
- 60 minute group session
- 60 minutes of break outs and Q&A
- Tech Connect Mini-Conference for Seniors
- Mini tech training conference tailored to groups of twenty or more for communities and organizations to offer.
- Details coming soon!
Still have questions?
Request a free 30 minute consultation now!
Agency Background
HubSpot Agency Partner
Headquarters | Charlotte, NC
Our Founder Caitlin is a fourth generation Charlottean with a deep network across the region. Her passion to connect people to resources has helped create hundreds of opportunities for those in her sphere of influence. This has allowed her to cultivate strategic partnerships worldwide in order to best serve clients focused on growth, community, and technology.
Baltimore. Boston. England. Florida. France. Georgia. New York. North Carolina. California. Pakistan. Pennsylvania. South Carolina. South Dakota. Sweden.

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